Character of the Gallery Owner:
Newtown is notoriously known for its savvy "out there" fashion, and for being almost riskily alternative. For this reason I think it is important for this style to be exhibited in the gallery owner. It almost seems that Newtown expresses fashions before they become fashionable.
The quirkyness of Newtown needs to be within the gallery owner so that their personality not only fits in with the gallery, but the immediate surrounds of the gallery. This will also appeal to the general public and draw them back to the gallery time and time again. The owner needs to be relatively young to fit in with the demographic of Newtown, while being lively, enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the art being displayed. The owner also needs to be constantly on the lookout for new and exciting projects that could be utilised in the gallery. The top story of the gallery (or living space) gives the owner an escape from the gallery should they want it, and an area that they are free to do what they wish with. I can imagine that the Newtown personality could sometimes become overwhelming, so even though the owner must embrace it, they have a escape should it be necessary.
Character/Personality of the Gallery:
Newtown was recently dubbed as "Sydney's most creatively well endowed suburb", yet it still manages to fly under the major tourist radar. One thing you have got to keep in mind is that while Newtown is by far the most Bohemian district of Sydney, it is different from Bohemian communities in other parts of the world. This is Australia after all, and the Australian personality still shines through, perhaps even more forcefully than in any suburbs.
This gallery must have a similar personality to that of the owner. They must work together in a way that one could not work without the other. Although I want it to blend in with its surroundings, it still needs to have an independent personality of its own. This will be the defining factor that makes it stand out from being just any other gallery. Due to its overall size and reinforced by its large street overhang I think its grandeur and presence will be unquestionable. This will be a large source of providing interest and curiosity to the people of Newtown.
Art to be Exhibited:
Newtown has long been home to large numbers of visual artists and writers. In the 80's it was the hub of independent music, and now it has become the cradle for the performing arts, actively nurturing young playwrights, actors and dancers. The area is literally littered with performing theatres and venues. My gallery hopes to take advantage of this local talent by exhibiting their work. Photography is very popular form of art in Newtown, both of the local street art and the people that occupy it. This is what I would like to express in my smaller galleries, possibly advertising them for sale giving the artists a way to get appreciation and a return for their work. The larger gallery will be used to express works like larger paintings, and even larger photography. All of these galleries will be used simply for wall mounted art work. Three dimensional art such as sculptures will be displayed in the courtyard. I don't really want to place a restriction of the style of work that is displayed in the space, so it will include not only sculptures but abstract models as well.
Established Narrative:"Expressing its individuality through conformity."Yes this narrative contradicts itself, but I wanted to express how the gallery fits in with the Newtown society, yet stands out through its personality at the same time. At initial glance you are drawn to the gallery through the intertwining levels and blocks, but once you enter you realise the gallery displays art from the people of Newtown. Encapsulating the "vibe" of Newtown in one single building.